261 RAINIER WAY #6-261 FOX LAKE, IL 60020
- Townhouse or Condo / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 261 RAINIER WAY #6-261, FOX LAKE, IL 60020
- Price/sqft: $151
- Lot Size: 36 acres
- Total Units: 1
- Stories: 2
- Year Built: 01/01/1996
- Property ID: 953133417
- Parcel Number: 05-15-209-018
- Property Type: Townhouse or Condo
- County: LAKE
- Legal Description: RAINIER WOODS; UNIT 6-261 & 2.75908% INT IN COMMON ELEMENTS IN RAINIER WOODS TOWNHOMES CONDO PER DOC 3906952,3930493, 3983159,4005687,4041249PT LOT 1
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