3282 N 35TH ST MILWAUKEE, WI 53216
- Commercial / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 3282 N 35TH ST, MILWAUKEE, WI 53216
- Price/sqft: $20
- Lot Size: 10.57 acres
- Total Units: 2
- Year Built: 01/01/1903
- Property ID: 796657667
- MLS Number: 1836369
- Parcel Number: 286-9996-113
- Property Type: Commercial
- County: Milwaukee
- Legal Description: LANDS IN SE 1/4 SEC 12-7-21 THAT PART OF LAND & LOT D IN PART'N COM 902.61' S & 30' E OF NW COR SD 1/4 SEC-TH E 337'-TH N 17.5'-TH E 363'-TH SELY ALG A CUR 138.64'-TH E 17.92'-TH S 10.13'-TH SELY ALG A CUR 247.49' TO W LI ROW-TH SLY 245' M/L-TH W 145
- Zoning: IH
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