- Multi-family (5 or more units) / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for 942-946 WOODLAND VALLEY RD #946, PHOENICIA, NY 12464
- Price/sqft: $5,063
- Lot Size: 612018 sq. ft.
- Total Rooms: 5
- Stories: 1.75
- Exterior Walls: Wood
- Year Built: 01/01/2006
- Property ID: 947255598
- Parcel Number: 515000 24.12-1-24
- Property Type: Multi-family (5 or more units)
- County: ULSTER
- Zoning: R3
Contact Info for 942-946 WOODLAND VALLEY RD #946, PHOENICIA, NY 12464
This is NOT a Foreclosure listing. It is a traditional Resale (MLS) listing. Negotiate your purchase with the sellers agent.
Price Information
FirstAmerican Estimates
- Market Value : $459,543
- Low Value : $332,602
- High Value : $586,483
- Confidence Score : 44%
Local Info for 942-946 WOODLAND VALLEY RD #946, PHOENICIA, NY 12464
Education 12464
- Not High School Graduates 20.52%
- Some College 38.34%
- Bachelor’s Degree 14.04%
- Graduate Degree 9.46%
- Closest Two-year Public College
ULSTER COUNTY COMMUNITY COLLEGE (18 miles) - Closest Four-year Public College
Age 12464
- Infants and Children: 3,837
- Teens: 2,964
- 20 - 39 yrs old: 11,095
- 40 - 59 yrs old: 5,124
- 60 + yrs old: 3,040
Income 12464
12464 - PHOENICIA, New York
- Median Per Capita Income: $28,039
- Median Household Income: $46,561
- Average Household Income: $61,970
- Average Individual Income: $30,851
- Income Change Since 2010: $9.93
New York
- Median Per Capita Income: n/a
- Median Household Income: $73,776
- Average Household Income: $108,240
- Average Individual Income: $41,647
- Income Change Since 2010: $28.40
Crime 12464
12464 - PHOENICIA, New York
- Total Crime Risk : 23
- Personal Crime Risk : 61
- Murder Risk : 64
- Rape Risk : 66
- Robbery Risk : 20
- Assault Risk : 90
- Property Crime Risk : 49
- Burglary Risk : 54
- Larceny Risk : 75
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : 15
New York
- Total Crime Risk : 181
- Personal Crime Risk : n/a
- Murder Risk : n/a
- Rape Risk : n/a
- Robbery Risk : n/a
- Assault Risk : n/a
- Property Crime Risk : n/a
- Burglary Risk : n/a
- Larceny Risk : n/a
- Motor Vehicle Theft Risk : n/a
Environment 12464
12464 - PHOENICIA, New York
- Average Annual Rainfall : 61.51
- Air Pollution Index : 84.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 62.80
- Average July High Temperature: (°F) 72.30
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 18.30
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 9.50
New York
- Average Annual Rainfall : 41.63
- Air Pollution Index : 96.00
- Average July Temperature: (°F) 69.13
- Average July High Temperature: n/a
- Average January Temperature: (°F) 21.10
- Average January Low Temperature: (°F) 11.88
Demographic 12464
- White: 22,812
- Black: 815
- Indian: 962
- Asian: 359
- Hawaiian: 0
- Other Race: 1,112
- Hispanic/Latino: 657
- Male: 49.44%
- Female: 50.56%
Neighborhood 12464
12464 - PHOENICIA, New York
- Population: 1,080
- Number of Households: 529
- Family Households: 253
- Average Family Size: 2.68
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 23
- Population Change Since 2010: 4.59%
- Closest Major Airport: New York Stewart International (41 miles)
- Closest Major Sports Team: HUDSON VALLEY RENEGADES (SS) (42 miles)
New York
- Population: 20,290,428
- Number of Households: 7,682,491
- Family Households: 4,887,724
- Average Family Size: 3.36
- Population Density (persons per square mile): 431
- Population Change Since 2010: 4.71%
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