HIGHWAY 37 Reeds, MO 64859
- Vacant Land / Resale (MLS)
Property Details for HIGHWAY 37, Reeds, MO 64859
- Price/sqft: $83
- Lot Size: 3204709 sq. ft.
- Heating: 3
- Year Built: 01/01/2010
- Property ID: 947384118
- Parcel Number: 13-7.0-36-00-000-004.000
- Property Type: Vacant Land
- County: JASPER
- Legal Description: W1/2 SW EX COM SW COR SEC 36 N 1592.5 N 89 DEG E 30 TO POB TH CONT N 52.96 N 89 DEG E 23 S 47 DEG E 48.98 N 89 DEG E 888.72 S 456.29 N 88 DEG W 450.19 N 02 DEG E 144.62 N
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